Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Walnut Creek: Erie PA

I went down to Walnut Creek on Monday night. There were probably 75 other guys fishing so it was hard to get a spot in the stream. After about 15 minutes of waiting I finally got in. 8-10 fish were feeding around me. I ended up catching 2 and had another 4 on. The hardest part was keeping the fish at bay while other anglers got their lines out of the water. 2x tippet was a must and even then I broke some fish off. I was using Hare's Ear nymphs and sucker spawns. I caught 2 on the sucker spawn but missed a few on the Hare's Ear. I want to go back but would look at different water that is less crowded if that is possible. The number of fish was crazy, take a look at my pictures and you will see what I mean.

1 comment:

  1. i;ve never been able to bring myself to fish for steelhead. i like having the stream to myself. guess i'm just selfish that way.


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